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How our case converter works:
Did you accidentally write some of your text in uppercase? Do you wish to capitalize some of your text? Are you searching for a way to quickly turn your lowercase text into uppercase?
Your sorrows will now be driven away all thanks to our Case Converter Tool. We at Content Majestic are very much familiar with the problems surrounding uppercase and lowercase text.
You may end up writing in one case only to find out that they were not required in that way. Or you must not have properly written some words in the required case. For example, there were some proper nouns or names that you should have written with a capital letter in the starting but you did not. You will have to revisit all those names, press the Shift key to write the letter in capital.
Formatting your text from A-Z can prove to be extremely tiresome and may take up too much of your time. As menial as the task sounds, it is quite hectic and irritating especially in today’s time when all of us are running up on time.
To combat with this issue, Content Majestic has developed a Case Converter Tool that can help you save your time and your energy. You may think that you are spending a minute or two, but you might be spending just above 15-20 minutes at the very minimum.
If you have content exceeding 3,000 words for example, then obviously you cannot spend so much time changing the case throughout. You can simply change case with our easy to use tool!
For the first timers, our tool may strike off as confusing or something new. No worries, we have listed down some of the common questions that we receive, and we have answered them too.
You can hope to save up on your precious time and energy by using our tool to change case. This tool acts as your sentence case converter as well as your title case converter. No need to worry about formatting your text from scratch, simply input your text whether it is a heading or whole paragraphs and witness the magic by yourself.
The team at Content Majestic is always involved in developing solutions that help in content creation or anything pertaining to content. We have not limited our services to only content writing, but in fact, we are dedicated towards providing content solutions on a whole.
Our team identified case conversion as one of the main challenges that most of the people face while writing. They grouped with programmers and brought the idea towards execution. The tool proved to be quite popular and helped a lot of people overall.
A text case converter is a tool that converts the case that your text has been written in. You can change it from capital to small, small to capital or you can capitalise the first letter of every word as you like. This will save up on your time and energy, which you can then utilise in other tasks much better.
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