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Check The Length Of Your Essay.
Whether you are writing an article, a research paper, or even a short description on any of your online profiles, you will need to keep a check of your word count and the character limit. However, instead of checking the word count by clicking on the option again and again, you can simply opt to use our Word Counter Tool and save up on you precious time!
As far as Microsoft Word is concerned, you can check the number of words. However, for PDF files and online forms, you might not get to know the character or word limit.
For example, if you are filling your online Personal Statement and you have been given a specific character limit, you will need to ensure that you do not exceed the character limit nor do you write too less.
Alternatively, in another instance, you are doing SEO content writing or working on WordPress and you need to check the character limit. Even exceeding by a single limit can badly affect your SEO ranking and overall ruin your whole SEO campaign.
In such instances, you can make use of our Word Counter Tool and get to know the character or word limit right away. As small as this tool may appear, it comes in handy when you are filling crucial forms or writing some very important papers. Students writing a thesis or dissertation or even copywriters jotting down an article need to keep a check of their word limit anyhow.
While you might find plenty of tools to help you out if you go on to check for some word counter online, we can assure you that no other tool will work as efficiently as ours. Our team has ensured that the tool produces accurate results so that you are able to do your work much better as well.
For the first timers, our tool may strike off as rather new and confusing. Do not worry, as we have listed down the commonly asked questions and answered them as well.
The benefit of using this tool would be that you could check the number of words and characters you have written. Word limit and character limit is important in all kinds of writing from academic writing to SEO writing etc. You cannot exceed or go below the limit given. This tool will help you to keep a balance.
Content Majestic has not limited itself to only writing services. Instead, our team if focused on providing content solutions as a whole. We understand that many factors go into producing quality content and checking the word or character limit is one of them. As such, our copywriters teamed up with developers and programmers to bring this tool to life for the ease of everyone.
Using this tool is extremely easy. All you have to do is copy the text you want to check by pressing CTRL+C and paste the text by pressing CTRL+V. The tool will automatically display the number of characters, words and spaces as well. You can see the count and go back to your writing.
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